Saturday, December 1, 2012

The Effect of Class

This class in its entirety has been really awesome for me.  The asana practice has stuck with me even more than I thought it would, and it turns out stretching is even more beneficial than I would have ever thought.  I feel bad I put my body through not stretching when I was really active in high school.  Even cooler though is how much I have learned from the philosophies associated with the physical activity.  Never would I have guessed that this class would make me question my normal workout regime and the mentality I have going into it.  I also never would have guessed that Hinduism could have so many allusions and similarities to Christian philosophy.  In fact, I wish more Christians did not fear learning about other religions because there is so much we can learn about our own ideology by looking at it through other philosophies.  When I took my yoga mat back to my apartment, it made me happy to see how malleable it has gotten since the first day of class, and all I could think was how I really didn’t want to find it in my trunk three months from now and realize I hadn’t used it all.  I also want to keep learning about Hinduism and the philosophy behind it. I truly feel like learning about the religion has really opened my mind both academically and spiritually, and has really given me a desire to learn more about both myself and my faith through yoga. 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the good feedback. I love that your mat is getting broken in. Keep all of it up.
